Personal Growth

Improving the relationships in your life can be incredibly challenging. It can be hard to work around conflict, know what to say to others, or even know when to let a relationship go.

However, before you can focus on anyone else, you must first know yourself better. What are your shortcomings? What triggers you? What character defects do you bring to the relationship?

To know yourself better, let’s explore how to use my toolbelt step by step and dive into what makes you, well, you.

Step 1: Discover Yourself

What is your MBTI?

What is your Enneagram?

What is your Attachment Style?

What is your Love Language?

What is your Communication Style?

Step 2: Learn About Yourself

Once you discover all about yourself, you can start diving into learning more about what it means to have your personality type, attachment style, love language, etc.

Communication Style

Step 3: Grow

My goal for you is to grow as you learn more about yourself. Perhaps your life will start making sense to you in a way it never has before. Pieces will start falling into place. As this happens, you may wonder what to do with all this newfound information about yourself?

However, what I try to provide in my posts are ways to identify certain traits within yourself and how to grow from them. Each post is personalized, short, and practical.

Find all my latest Personal Growth posts below.